Huma Abedin stood beside her husband, Anthony Weiner, on Tuesday, July 23, as he once again addressed issues surrounding sending explicit messages over the Internet. At times she smiled, other times she appeared solemn, but her message was clear: She is standing by her husband. Abedin has worked for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for more than a decade, and while she's known for shying away from the spotlight, she can often be seen just offstage. Huma Abedin stood beside her husband, Anthony Weiner, on Tuesday, July 23, as he once again addressed issues surrounding sending explicit messages over the Internet. At times she smiled, other times she appeared solemn, but her message was clear: She is standing by her husband. Abedin has worked for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for more than a decade, and while she's known for shying away from the spotlight, she can often be seen just offstage.

Abedin appears with Weiner on July 14 while he campaigns to become New York's mayor.Abedin appears with Weiner on July 14 while he campaigns to become New York's mayor.

Abedin asks a coffee server to move out of the way as Clinton speaks during a roundtable discussion at the APEC Women and the Economy Summit on September 16, 2011, in San Francisco.Abedin asks a coffee server to move out of the way as Clinton speaks during a roundtable discussion at the APEC Women and the Economy Summit on September 16, 2011, in San Francisco.

Abedin attends a White House dinner celebrating Ramadan in the State Dining Room of the White House on August 10, 2012. Abedin attends a White House dinner celebrating Ramadan in the State Dining Room of the White House on August 10, 2012.

Abedin delivers a note to Clinton on March 10, 2011, during a hearing of the House State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee. She started as a White House intern in 1996. Abedin delivers a note to Clinton on March 10, 2011, during a hearing of the House State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee. She started as a White House intern in 1996.

Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff, helps prep Clinton with speech notes on July 19, 2010, before an interview on Pakistani TV in Islamabad.Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff, helps prep Clinton with speech notes on July 19, 2010, before an interview on Pakistani TV in Islamabad.

Abedin and Weiner were married in a ceremony officiated by former President Bill Clinton in July 2010 after being introduced during the 2008 presidential campaign. Their marriage drew extra attention because Abedin is Muslim and Weiner is Jewish.Abedin and Weiner were married in a ceremony officiated by former President Bill Clinton in July 2010 after being introduced during the 2008 presidential campaign. Their marriage drew extra attention because Abedin is Muslim and Weiner is Jewish.

Abedin talks with Chief of Protocol Capricia Marshall outside the Oval Office during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India's state visit on November 24, 2009.Abedin talks with Chief of Protocol Capricia Marshall outside the Oval Office during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India's state visit on November 24, 2009.

Abedin sits offstage as Clinton speaks on reinvigorating the United States' nonproliferation policy on October 21, 2009, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.Abedin sits offstage as Clinton speaks on reinvigorating the United States' nonproliferation policy on October 21, 2009, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.

Clinton speaks with Abedin before chairing the Security Council Session on Women, Peace and Security on September 30, 2009. at U.N. headquarters in New York. Clinton speaks with Abedin before chairing the Security Council Session on Women, Peace and Security on September 30, 2009. at U.N. headquarters in New York.

Abedin is by Clinton's side as she greets doctors and staff in San Juan Bautista Medical Center in Puerto Rico during Clinton's campaign for president on May 31, 2008. Abedin is by Clinton's side as she greets doctors and staff in San Juan Bautista Medical Center in Puerto Rico during Clinton's campaign for president on May 31, 2008.

Abedin, a campaign staffer at the time, talks with then-Sen. Clinton before a rally in Los Angeles on February 2, 2008.Abedin, a campaign staffer at the time, talks with then-Sen. Clinton before a rally in Los Angeles on February 2, 2008.

Serving as Clinton's personal aide, Abedin accompanies Clinton on a trip from New York to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on May 6, 2000, to meet with President Bill Clinton.Serving as Clinton's personal aide, Abedin accompanies Clinton on a trip from New York to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on May 6, 2000, to meet with President Bill Clinton.














  • Pepper Schwartz: Why did Huma Abedin stand by husband in new sexual scandal?

  • She says it's likely a combination of things: her ambition for her husband, faith in marriage vows

  • She says Abedin may believe a woman stands by her man and wants to preserve her family

  • Schwartz: Abedin may be in "tending and befriending" mode -- Weiner doesn't deserve her

Editor's note: Pepper Schwartz is professor of sociology at the University of Washington and the author or co-author of 17 books, the latest of which is "The Normal Bar." She is the AARP love and relationship ambassador and writes the Naked Truth column for She is a senior fellow at the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit organization that gathers research on American families, and chief expert for

(CNN) -- Tempted as I am to write about Anthony Weiner's sexual compulsions, I think it is more important to talk about his wife, Huma Abedin. What the hell was she doing at Weiner's press conference Tuesday, where he once again asked her and the public for forgiveness for a new set of sexual transgressions, instead of being at her attorney's office?

If this were a multiple-choice test for my students in my class on intimate relationships at the University of Washington, I might phrase the question like this:

Pepper Schwartz

Two years after the former congressman (and now New York City mayoral candidate) left his office in disgrace because he had "sexted" revealing pictures of his body to women, he was alleged to have once again taken on an anonymous identity, reportedly making sexual overtures and exchanging explicit pictures with a young woman. Why did Abedin stand by him and defend him in a press conference?

A) She is insanely ambitious and wants to be the wife of a successful politician.

B) She believes he has a problem and she is going to help him with it because that's what a woman does for her man.

Standing by your man helps in polls?

'AC360°' daily podcast

Anthony Weiner's latest gaffe

C) She believes in her marriage vows and can't stand the idea of breaking up her family.

D) All of the above.

D is probably the right answer.

Congress and lewd photos: An Anthony Weiner timeline

It's one thing to stay with your guy when he has a big problem. It's another to support him going after public office only to find yourself dragged in front of the cameras again after he engages in the same compulsive sexual behavior that you forgave before. She could have said, "OK, we'll fix this, but we need you in treatment, not in public office." Obviously, leaving public office isn't in the cards, and that's significant.

But A and C also ring true. Abedin's behaviors are squarely in the realm of women's high esteem for love, friendship and loyalty, and for tending and befriending the weak and the beleaguered, as described by UCLA psychologist and professor Shelley Taylor. This gives the impression of being a doormat, but the woman thinks of it as being stalwart and noble. Abedin may not be quite in this category -- but she seems dangerously close to it.

Finally, there is the role of family. For some women "till death do us part" means just that. They believe in staying in a marriage no matter what, especially when a small child is involved. If the man is a good father -- and there is every indication Weiner is -- a wife will go to extremes to stay married

So why does Huma stay? We don't know, but it's surely complicated. Her steadfastness is hard to watch though. She doesn't deserve this, and he doesn't deserve her.

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The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Pepper Schwartz.


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