A small plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii on Wednesday, December 11, killing one person on board, a fire official said.A small plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii on Wednesday, December 11, killing one person on board, a fire official said.

One passenger, Ferdinand Puentes, captured it all on camera.One passenger, Ferdinand Puentes, captured it all on camera.

Puentes and the rest of the passengers jumped out of the sinking plane.Puentes and the rest of the passengers jumped out of the sinking plane.

Puentes turned on his GoPro camera moments after the engine of the Makani Kai Air Cessna quit.Puentes turned on his GoPro camera moments after the engine of the Makani Kai Air Cessna quit.

The Cessna Grand Caravan went down about half a mile off Kalaupapa, Hawaii.The Cessna Grand Caravan went down about half a mile off Kalaupapa, Hawaii.

The Coast Guard and rescue workers picked the survivors out of the water and transported six of them to a hospital.The Coast Guard and rescue workers picked the survivors out of the water and transported six of them to a hospital.

The cause of the crash was under investigation.The cause of the crash was under investigation.

  • Ferdinand Puentes survived a plane crash off Hawaii in December

  • Puentes recorded the ordeal with his GoPro camera

  • The photos capture the crash and sinking of the plane

(CNN) -- Sirens went off in the small plane he was a passenger on, and Ferdinand Puentes and eight others aboard "knew what was going on."

The aircraft was going down, and Puentes grabbed his GoPro camera and recorded the ordeal.

The result: arresting pictures of inside the plane and beneath ocean waters as the group awaited rescue off Kalaupapa on Hawaii's Molokai island

Passenger shoots pics of plane crash

One person, Loretta Fuddy, died in the December 11 crash. Fuddy, director of Hawaii's Department of Health, was the official who confirmed the authenticity of President Barack Obama's birth record in Hawaii.

Of the others on board, one person swam ashore, a Maui Fire Department helicopter picked up four, and a Coast Guard helicopter rescued three.

A month after the crash, the photographs continue to evoke strong emotions in Puentes.

"It just bit into me like, am I dreaming?" Puentes told CNN affiliate KHON-TV in Honolulu.

One photo looks outside the plane's window right around the time the aircraft hit the water.

Puente's camera captured the plane sinking and even an underwater shot of its body.

Puentes told KHON that he's an avid waterman, but his clothes weighed him down and it took an extra seat cushion to keep him afloat.

Surviving the crash has changed his life, he told the TV station.

"A lot of things seem petty now. Can't take things for granted," he said.


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