In honor of the 50th anniversary of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition, the magazine has teamed up with Barbie for a campaign that uses the iconic doll as one of its models. Though both brands have been widely criticized for their depiction of women, <a href='' target='_blank'>Mattel says</a> the move is an effort to celebrate entrepreneurs such as Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum who, like Barbie, "launched their careers in a swimsuit." Look back at some of Barbie's professions through the years.In honor of the 50th anniversary of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition, the magazine has teamed up with Barbie for a campaign that uses the iconic doll as one of its models. Though both brands have been widely criticized for their depiction of women, Mattel says the move is an effort to celebrate entrepreneurs such as Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum who, like Barbie, "launched their careers in a swimsuit." Look back at some of Barbie's professions through the years.

Teenage fashion model, 1959Teenage fashion model, 1959

Registered nurse, 1961Registered nurse, 1961

Astronaut, 1965Astronaut, 1965

Surgeon, 1973Surgeon, 1973

Olympic athlete, 1975Olympic athlete, 1975

Aerobics instructor, 1984Aerobics instructor, 1984

Veterinarian, 1985Veterinarian, 1985

Rapper, 1992Rapper, 1992

Marine Corps sergeant, 1992Marine Corps sergeant, 1992

Business executive, 1992Business executive, 1992

Police officer, 1993Police officer, 1993

Army medic, 1993Army medic, 1993

Firefighter, 1995Firefighter, 1995

Dentist, 1997Dentist, 1997

Airline pilot, 1999Airline pilot, 1999

Ballerina, 2006Ballerina, 2006

Chef, 2007Chef, 2007

Soccer coach, 2008Soccer coach, 2008

Swim instructor, 2008Swim instructor, 2008

Race car driver, 2010Race car driver, 2010

News anchor, 2010News anchor, 2010

Computer engineer, 2010Computer engineer, 2010

Architect, 2011Architect, 2011

Presidential candidate, 2012Presidential candidate, 2012


























  • Barbie's appearance in Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is causing a stir

  • Barbie featured in magazine is also for sale at Target

  • Mattel says campaign's goal is to empower fans to celebrate what makes them unique

  • Critics say "unapologetic" campaign blurs lines between real women, inanimate objects

(CNN) -- When Barbie burst onto scene in a black and white swimsuit in 1959, she was considered a rebel who embodied both "the sensuality of Marilyn Monroe and the innocence of Debbie Reynolds."

Now, she's returning to her "fashion model" roots, and not everyone's pleased.

Barbie caused a stir this week when Mattel and Sports Illustrated revealed that she would appear in the 50th anniversary edition of its annual swimsuit edition in an updated version of her iconic zebra swimsuit. The partnership includes a promotional cover-wrap that will appear on 1,000 copies declaring Barbie "the doll that started it all," a four-page advertising feature inside the magazine and video outtakes posted online. The doll is also for sale at Target.

The official Barbie Twitter account tweeted about the campaign Monday.

Responses to the tweet foretold the ensuing controversy, with one person calling "unapologetic" an "ill-advised hashtag." Another person asked if "unapologetic" really meant #sorrynotsorry.

A Tuesday post on "Mommyish" blog, "The Sport's Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Will Feature Barbie, So Your Daughter Can Feel Bad Too," underscored criticism of the partnership for using a children's toy to promote sexualized images intended for adults. It further complicates Barbie's legacy for parents unsure of whether to view her as a positive or negative role model.

Mattel, however, stands by Barbie's "unapologetic stance."

SI's swimsuit cover girl is a real doll

Barbie gets real

Classic beauty Barbie sans makeup

"This is not a program targeted towards girls. As a brand that is always a part of the cultural conversation, Barbie, for the first time, has an active voice in the debate with her #unapologetic stance. The goal of the campaign is to empower fans to engage and celebrate all that makes them who they are," a Mattel spokeswoman said.

The 2014 swimsuit issues celebrates "legends," and Mattel said Barbie is a fitting example.

"As a legend herself, Barbie has always been a lightning rod for controversy and opinions. Posing in SI gives Barbie and her fellow legends an opportunity to own who they are and celebrate what they have accomplished."

For some, it works. As one person said in response to a question posed on Twitter, "no little girl reads Sports Illustrated. It's literally a doll in a bathing suit, calm down society."

For others, the issue was not so cut and dry.

"When you look at the history of Barbie and how she's 'grown' in career choices I believe she's a positive example ... and quite frankly, a more positive image than the SI models," Utah grandmother Holly Albrecht said on Twitter.

"Children KNOW Barbie is a toy but the 'skinny' models tell society ... that a woman must be skinny to be accepted as beautiful; a far more negative example than Barbie," she said. "Parents need to remember THEY should to be the positive role in their child's life, not toys or Hollywood or athletes."

But a growing body of research suggests that children are influenced not only by what they see in the media, but by the toys with which they play.

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"People who say it is just a doll obviously don't realize how it shapes thinking while playing house," nonprofit executive Alia Salem said on Twitter. "If the image of what (you're) imagining yourself as is never attainable and is billed as what to strive for, you'll always be disappointed."

Her comments echo why many of the campaign's critics saw something especially "creepy" -- or tone deaf -- in placing a toy intended for children in the pages of a magazine targeting adults.

"I am #unapologetic for being grossed out by Mattel's desperation. Pairing up with Sports Illustrated to put Barbie on a cover mag? #yuck," digital strategist Jessica Lee said on Twitter.

Barbie and the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition have both been accused of promoting idealized beauty in their own ways. For many, the campaign was problematic because they say the swimsuit edition objectifies women and promoting a homogenous view of beauty.

"It's actually kind of perfect," said Occidental College professor Lisa Wade, a feminist and media critic. "Barbie is the perfect model for the SI swimsuit issue. It's always been about celebrating conventional definitions of attractiveness for women, and Barbie is an icon of idealized femininity.

"Both Barbie and the swimsuit issue have been making women and girls feel inadequate for decades. It's a perfect partnership."

Others took issue with blurring the line between women as objects and actual plastic objects.

"Yes, the swimsuit edition is made up entirely of hypersexualized images of women, but this pairing blurs a new line. Barbie is not a woman, she's an inanimate object. Juxtaposing her alongside real women as though the two are indistinguishable is dehumanizing, and in a literal sense, objectifying," said Nicole Rodgers, editor-in-chief of, an online magazine that focuses on culture and gender roles.

It also comes at a time when many are demanding representations of women without airbrushing or photoshop, she said.

"Featuring a plastic doll as an object of admiration and desire feels like a slap in the face," Rodgers said.

Throughout the controversy, Mattel has remained "unapologetic," citing Barbie's 150 careers, her turns in 26 animated movies and partnerships with renowned fashion designers as evidence that you can be "capable and captivating."

But nobody is thinking about Barbie's career trajectory or its positive examples when she's wearing a one-piece in Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition, said California State University-Long Beach professor Shira Tarrant, author of "Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power."

"I would never want to deny anyone love for Barbie," she said, "but my concern is when we use her to present this hyper-sexualized model of beauty."

After all, CEO Barbie and Dr. Barbie weren't the dolls appearing in SI.

"When you look at how the lives of women have changed since the doll originally launched, the choice strikes me as particularly tone deaf in 2014," said Rodgers, of The fact that "the version they want to focus their marketing blitz on is a sexy bikini Barbie tells us something."

What do you think of Barbie's appearance in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition? Have your say in the comments, on Twitter @CNNLiving or on CNN Living's Facebook page !


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