Miley Cyrus became a household name for families when her Disney Channel television show, "Hannah Montana," premiered in 2006. Cyrus, now 20, quickly rose to pop star fame and has been changing her appearance ever since. Here the singer attends a July 12 event in Los Angeles.Miley Cyrus became a household name for families when her Disney Channel television show, "Hannah Montana," premiered in 2006. Cyrus, now 20, quickly rose to pop star fame and has been changing her appearance ever since. Here the singer attends a July 12 event in Los Angeles.

The future pop star with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, in October 1994 in Memphis, Tennessee.The future pop star with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, in October 1994 in Memphis, Tennessee.

The father and daughter team make a New York appearance for the Disney Channel in February 2006.The father and daughter team make a New York appearance for the Disney Channel in February 2006.

Cyrus performs during the Radio Disney Totally 10 Birthday Concert in July 2006 in Anaheim, California.Cyrus performs during the Radio Disney Totally 10 Birthday Concert in July 2006 in Anaheim, California.

Cyrus appears at the 2007 American Music Awards in Los Angeles.Cyrus appears at the 2007 American Music Awards in Los Angeles.

Cyrus arrives at a film premiere in Hollywood in January 2008.Cyrus arrives at a film premiere in Hollywood in January 2008.

Cyrus performs for ABC's "Good Morning America" at New York's Bryant Park in July 2008.Cyrus performs for ABC's "Good Morning America" at New York's Bryant Park in July 2008.

Cyrus appears at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards in Westwood, California, in 2009.Cyrus appears at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards in Westwood, California, in 2009.

Cyrus and her mother, Tish Cyrus, at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards in January 2010 in Los Angeles.Cyrus and her mother, Tish Cyrus, at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards in January 2010 in Los Angeles.

Cyrus performs at a music festival in June 2010 in Arganda del Rey, Spain.Cyrus performs at a music festival in June 2010 in Arganda del Rey, Spain.

The singer arrives at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas in May 2012.The singer arrives at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas in May 2012.

The grown-up Cyrus performs during the "VH1 Divas" concert in Los Angeles in December.The grown-up Cyrus performs during the "VH1 Divas" concert in Los Angeles in December.

Cyrus shows off her moves with Robin Thicke during the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards in Brooklyn, New York, on Sunday, August 25.Cyrus shows off her moves with Robin Thicke during the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards in Brooklyn, New York, on Sunday, August 25.














  • Christopher Ferguson: Miley Cyrus' performance seemed calculated to spark controversy

  • He says the act succeeded in drawing attention and provoking objections from watchdog group

  • Was it in poor taste? Ferguson says yes, but it's not the end of civilization

  • Ferguson: There's little reason to think these performances cause lasting harm

Editor's note: Christopher J. Ferguson is chair of the psychology department at Stetson University. He is the author of the novel "Suicide Kings."

(CNN) -- On Sunday night Miley Cyrus put on a performance at MTV's Video Music Awards that appeared specifically contrived to elicit controversy and, by Monday morning, sure enough the controversy had arrived.

For those who missed it (and in fact I missed it until compelled to watch it on YouTube due to the controversy), Cyrus put on a performance that ranged from simply bizarre to crudely offensive, with plenty of twerking and rude gestures with a foam hand more reminiscent of a drunken frat party than good art.

Such a performance is bait, and I use that term on purpose, for the more sanctimonious set to thunder about the degradation of our society.

As if on cue, the Parents Television Council, a nonprofit "watchdog" group and perennial foil of naughty media everywhere, issued a press release condemning the VMAs, which, of course, succeeded in little more than drawing more attention to them.

The council called also for legislation that would allow viewers to select cable stations buffet-style rather than getting stuck with multiple channels they don't want. I'm actually sympathetic to this kind of a la carte cable system (although adult viewers should have the opportunity to select more adult-oriented channels if they wish and efforts to scrub cable clean seem nannyish).

On the other hand, if you went in watching the VMAs, particularly with Lady Gaga headlining, with no clue you might see something shocking, you went in uninformed.

Christopher J. Ferguson

First, let's put things in perspective. Were elements of the VMAs artistically dubious and in poor taste, particularly if you (somehow) didn't see it coming? Absolutely. Are they the end of civilization as we know it? Absolutely not.

Although it's common to imply that media images such as these are harmful to minors, evidence for this has been inconsistent at best. Two early studies linked watching sexy media with small increases in the likelihood of initiating sex earlier in the teen years. However, psychologists Laurence Steinberg and Kathryn Monahan reanalyzed one of the datasets and found that, with other variables properly controlled, the influence of sexy media was negligible.

And we must remember that, though explicit media are probably more available now than at any time in history, teens have been having sex later than in previous generations, and becoming pregnant less often. We have to be careful not to mix moral outrage, which may be justified, with a public health crisis when one is not apparent.

Miley Cyrus act just good marketing?

Miley Cyrus' performance shocks fans

All of this outrage appears calculated to me, however (it doesn't help that Cyrus' father sits on the board of advisers for the Parents Television Council). The performers who do outrageous stuff do so on purpose because scandal sells. And "watchdog" groups themselves often thrive off outrage.

Such groups would wither financially if it were not for the public's outrage and fear of media. The council's website contains handy instructions on how not just to donate money but to include the group in your estate, give stocks, an automobile, etc. Fairly common for advocacy groups to be sure, but it still gives them skin in the game. Members of these groups may act in good faith, but let's not mistake them for objective, financially uninterested parties.

The irony is that likely all the furor has probably only encouraged teens to see what all the fuss is about on YouTube.

If one is serious about reducing sexual content in the media, making a big fuss only draws attention. Telling teens they shouldn't watch only makes them want to watch more. If you would like to see less of Cyrus twerking (and count me among those masses), the answer is quite simple: Change the channel. We need less outrage, less nannying and more apathy toward such silliness.

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The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Christopher Ferguson.


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