Washington (CNN) -- Jeb Bush surprised the political world on Tuesday by deciding to "actively explore" a 2016 bid. Here are six things to know about Bush:

1. He was the governor of Florida, an important swing state in presidential races

After a failed bid for the Florida governorship in 1994, Bush won with more than 55% of the vote four years later and went on to serve two terms.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has said his decision to run for the Republican nomination will be based on two things -- his family and whether he can lift America's spirit. His father and brother formerly served as President.Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has said his decision to run for the Republican nomination will be based on two things -- his family and whether he can lift America's spirit. His father and brother formerly served as President.

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, recently re-elected to a second term, is considered a possible Republican candidate.Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, recently re-elected to a second term, is considered a possible Republican candidate.

Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced in 2013 that he would not be seeking re-election, leading to speculation he might mount a second White House bid. Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced in 2013 that he would not be seeking re-election, leading to speculation he might mount a second White House bid.

Mitt Romney probably won't be running for president again in 2016. He has suggested the chances of a third run are close to a million to one. But that hasn't kept some Republicans from encouraging him to enter the race if another legitimate candidate doesn't step up. Ann Romney, for her part, is not excited at the prospect. She told the LA Times Oct. 14th that she and her husband are "done done done" with running for office. Romney is still a draw on the campaign circuit. He is shown here stumping for senate candidate Joni Ernst in Iowa Oct. 11, 2014. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images)Mitt Romney probably won't be running for president again in 2016. He has suggested the chances of a third run are close to a million to one. But that hasn't kept some Republicans from encouraging him to enter the race if another legitimate candidate doesn't step up. Ann Romney, for her part, is not excited at the prospect. She told the LA Times Oct. 14th that she and her husband are "done done done" with running for office. Romney is still a draw on the campaign circuit. He is shown here stumping for senate candidate Joni Ernst in Iowa Oct. 11, 2014. (Photo by David Greedy/Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton continues to have an overwhelming lead over other possible 2016 Democratic presidential candidates. Although the former first lady and secretary of state has not said whether she'll run, a group of PACs and advocacy organizations have begun the process of raising money and aiding a hypothetical campaign. Hillary Clinton continues to have an overwhelming lead over other possible 2016 Democratic presidential candidates. Although the former first lady and secretary of state has not said whether she'll run, a group of PACs and advocacy organizations have begun the process of raising money and aiding a hypothetical campaign.

Vice President Joe Biden has twice before made unsuccessful bids for the Oval Office -- in 1988 and 2008. A former senator known for his foreign policy and national security expertise, Biden made the rounds on the morning shows recently and said he thinks he'd "make a good President." Vice President Joe Biden has twice before made unsuccessful bids for the Oval Office -- in 1988 and 2008. A former senator known for his foreign policy and national security expertise, Biden made the rounds on the morning shows recently and said he thinks he'd "make a good President."

Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican rising star from Florida, was swept into office in 2010 on the back of tea party fervor. But his support of comprehensive immigration reform, which passed the Senate but has stalled in the House, has led some in his party to sour on his prospects. Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican rising star from Florida, was swept into office in 2010 on the back of tea party fervor. But his support of comprehensive immigration reform, which passed the Senate but has stalled in the House, has led some in his party to sour on his prospects.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has fallen out of the top spot among potential Republican presidential candidates with a political scandal roiling his administration.New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has fallen out of the top spot among potential Republican presidential candidates with a political scandal roiling his administration.

Rep. Paul Ryan, a former 2012 vice presidential candidate and fiscally conservative budget hawk, says he's "keeping my options open" for a possible presidential run but is not focused on it.Rep. Paul Ryan, a former 2012 vice presidential candidate and fiscally conservative budget hawk, says he's "keeping my options open" for a possible presidential run but is not focused on it.

Sen. Rand Paul has said that he was seriously considering a run for president in 2016. If the tea party favorite decides to jump in, he likely will have to address previous controversies that include comments on civil rights, a plagiarism allegation, and his assertion the top NSA official lied to Congress about surveillance.Sen. Rand Paul has said that he was seriously considering a run for president in 2016. If the tea party favorite decides to jump in, he likely will have to address previous controversies that include comments on civil rights, a plagiarism allegation, and his assertion the top NSA official lied to Congress about surveillance.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz plans to travel to states that factor into the early nomination process. The first-term Republican and tea party darling is considered a gifted orator and smart politician. He is best known in the Senate for his marathon filibuster over defunding Obamacare.Texas Sen. Ted Cruz plans to travel to states that factor into the early nomination process. The first-term Republican and tea party darling is considered a gifted orator and smart politician. He is best known in the Senate for his marathon filibuster over defunding Obamacare.

Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley released a "buzzy" political video in November 2013 in tandem with visits to New Hampshire. He also headlined a Democratic Party event in South Carolina, which holds the first southern primary. Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley released a "buzzy" political video in November 2013 in tandem with visits to New Hampshire. He also headlined a Democratic Party event in South Carolina, which holds the first southern primary.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said recently it's too early to announce whether he'll run. Jindal has said he wants to focus on "winning the war of ideas" before making a decision on his presidential ambitions.Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said recently it's too early to announce whether he'll run. Jindal has said he wants to focus on "winning the war of ideas" before making a decision on his presidential ambitions.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a social conservative, gave Mitt Romney his toughest challenge in the nomination fight last time out and has made trips recently to early voting states, including Iowa and South Carolina. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a social conservative, gave Mitt Romney his toughest challenge in the nomination fight last time out and has made trips recently to early voting states, including Iowa and South Carolina.

Political observers expect New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to yield to Hillary Clinton should she run in 2016, fearing there wouldn't be room in the race for two Democrats from the Empire State. Should she not jump in, Cuomo would then be a potential candidate.Political observers expect New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to yield to Hillary Clinton should she run in 2016, fearing there wouldn't be room in the race for two Democrats from the Empire State. Should she not jump in, Cuomo would then be a potential candidate.

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates

Potential 2016 presidential candidates
















Potential 2016 presidential candidatesPotential 2016 presidential candidates

He presided over the state during the Florida's presidential recount in 2000, which ushered George W. Bush into the White House.

Florida is vital to winning the presidency. The only presidential candidate in the past 50 years to win the state but lose the national race is Jeb Bush's father, George H.W. Bush, in 1992.

READ: Bush to release emails

2. He is a member of one of the most well-connected political families in the United States

Bush is the son of George H.W. Bush, who served a single term as president from 1989-1993, vice president under Ronald Reagan and director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Jeb Bush is also the younger brother of George W. Bush, who was in office from 2001-2009. His son, George P. Bush, just launched his political career in Texas, where he will begin a term directing the General Land Office next year.

READ: Jeb to grads: 'Shake things up'

3. Despite the benefits, family poses challenges

The nationwide support network from Jeb Bush's family could also work as an anchor to his ambitions. Memories of George W. Bush's presidency, which was beset by two wars, a financial meltdown, are still fresh.

Closer to home, Bush's immediate family was beset by personal issues during his time as governor. In 2002, his daughter, Noelle, was arrested for trying to buy Xanax with a fraudulent prescription and caught with crack cocaine. She completed a drug rehabilitation program in 2003.

Bush's wife, Columba, has reportedly been reluctant to seeing him run for national office to avoid dredging those old personal issues back out into the open.

4. He converted to Catholicism

Bush was raised in the Episcopal church before converting to Catholicism in 1996, joining the denomination of his wife.

In 2009, Bush cited the "sacraments of the Catholic Church, the timeless nature of the message of the Catholic Church, and the fact that the Catholic Church believes in and acts on absolute truth as its foundational principles and doesn't move with modern times as my former religion did," as the reason for his conversion.

5. He speaks Spanish and strongly supports overhauling the nation's immigration laws

Bush has had close ties to the Latino community throughout his life. He has a bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas, spent part of his early career living in Venezuela and he speaks Spanish fluently. His wife was born in Mexico.

He has set himself apart from many Republicans eyeing the presidency as a strong supporter of laws that would provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living in the United States illegally. In 2013, he published a book outlining a plan for immigration called Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution.

In April 2014, he defended the reason why undocumented immigrants come to the United States, which drew the ire of conservatives.

"Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony," Bush said in a Fox News interview. "It's an act of love. It's an act of commitment to your family."

6. He's a big backer of Common Core

Bush is one of the most vocal supporters of the Common Core, which aims to set education standards nationwide. The program has drawn criticism from conservatives within the Republican Party who have tried to paint it as a "federal takeover of education." Common Core supporters point out, however, that the federal government did not draw up the standards and that it's a state-led effort.

Still, combined with his views on immigration, Bush's more conservative opponents will drive the issue during the primary to paint him as a too moderate to lead the GOP.

7. He was a close mentor to Marco Rubio, another possible presidential contender

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio has hailed Bush as a key mentor during his political career. The two served together in Florida state politics while Rubio rose through the ranks of the state legislature.

When Rubio became Speaker of the Florida State House in 2005, Bush gave him a golden sword on the floor of the legislature that he named "Chang" and said belonged to a mythical "great conservative warrior"

Heading into 2016, Rubio and Bush could square off against one another in a primary contest that would make Florida ground zero for an epic Sunshine State GOP showdown. Rubio has said that despite their close relationship, Bush's decision won't affect whether he runs.


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